
Fotografía, Reportage

El pasado domingo se celebró en la ciudad de Badalona una ceremonia Sikh para conmemorar el nacimiento de Gurú Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539), fundador de esta religión. Este evento reunió a más de 1.500 Sikhs de toda Catalunya, quienes quisieron compartir su celebración con el resto de ciudadanos de otras culturas y religiones. En su mayoría provenientes del Panyab -India-, se han integrado fácilmente, y su amabilidad y simpatía han conseguido que el resto de la población los acoja favorablemente tras conocerlos.

Last Sunday was held in the city of Badalona one Sikh ceremony to commemorate the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539), founder of this religion. This event brought together more than 1,500 Sikhs in Catalonia, who wanted to share their celebration with other citizens of other cultures and religions. Mostly from the Punjab-India, these citizens have been easily integrated; the rest of the population has taken them in because of their kindness and sympathy. 

30 comentarios en “Sikhismo.

  1. What a wonderful post, those colour combinations are wonderful.
    We have quite a lot of Sikhs who have been in Scotland for many years, and I find them warm wonderful people full of humour and a deep love of life 🙂

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      1. Glad you survived. I haven’t watched soccer since the Dutch defeat by your countrymen in 2010 here in South Africa (was too ashamed because of the kind of tactics the Dutch were using) but yesterday the South African TV broadcasted live the match between Ajax and Barcelona. Loved the match and not (only) because of Ajax won! 😀

        Me gusta

      2. It seems that everything in life goes in cycles, and the cycle of barça, and with it, the selection seems to be happening. The time of the German football is back. Shortly also perhaps the Dutch. 🙂 🙂

        Me gusta

      1. Yes you captured our Indian festival so beautifully
        I loved that and sir let me tell you I love your photography
        Thank you so much Sir 🙂 🙂

        Me gusta

  2. I have always had a soft spot fo Sikhs. They look fierce but are much softer than their historical reputation. In the old days in Malaysia they always stood guard at banks with ancient rifles at the ready. Not sure if they still do.

    Me gusta

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